マイカー (My Cars)

by Sygic.



My Cars は乗り物の管理に最適なソリューションです-> 燃料の記録-> 経費-> メンテナンス記録-> などな...


My Cars は乗り物の管理に最適なソリューションです-> 燃料の記録-> 経費-> メンテナンス記録-> などなど…My Cars は直感的で簡単に使えます!
**************************************主要機能:**************************************- 詳細な給油オプション(満タン、分量指定等…)を利用して、すべての燃料関連(コスト、燃費、ガソリンスタンドなど)を管理- 自由にカスタマイズ可能なメンテナンス記録- 自由にカスタマイズ可能な請求書/費用カテゴリー- さまざまな統計データ/グラフ/レポート - 詳細なリマインダー(次回メンテナンスのリマインダーなど) - csv/xml ファイル形式でのインポート/エクスポート- バイフューエルやデュアルフューエルをサポート
**************************************PRO バージョン機能: (PRO アプリのキーが必要です)**************************************- Dropbox への自動バックアップならびにインポート/エクスポートをサポート- 為替レートに連動した複数の通貨をサポート - 随時、機能を追加中
**************************************PRO 機能を有効化するオプション:**************************************-> My Cars Pro アプリのキーを購入-> Pro バージョン変更メニューで広告を有効化
Vehicles management: fuel tracker/services/bills/trips
If you are asking yourself one of next questions, then My Cars is the app for you• How much cost my vehicle (car, bike, etc....)? By year, by month, by mile/km, etc...?• What is the min/avg/max fuel efficiency of my vehicle? Does it depend on the season?• How could I not forget to check if I have enough oil?
You will better understand the costs and then it will allow you to control them.
Type of vehicles supported• Cars• Trucks• Bikes• Boats• Tractors
Data records• Fuel tracker with many options. Supports partial refuels, missed refuels, refuels with gauge.• Services management with ability to setup reminders• Bills management with ability to setup reminders• Car records with details like insurance number, made, pictures, etc...• PRO: Trip management (start/end location with address, trip type, trip cost, etc...)
Statistics• distance (total, by year/month/day)• min/average/max fuel efficiency• cost per day/month/year (breakdown including bills, services, fuel)• cost per mile/km (breakdown including bills, services, fuel)• ...
Charts• Fuel efficiency overtime• Fuel efficiency aggregated by month• Costs per months• PRO: Compare computed fuel efficiency against onboard computed values• ...
Reminders• Reminders/events management (service/bill/other) • Example: setup a reminder for checking oil level
Backup, import, export• Automated backup on internal storage• PRO: Automated backup to Dropbox• Export to CSV/XML. CSV can be open with Excel• Import from CSV/XML (to transfer data from one device to another one, or to import data from another application)
PRO only features• PRO: Backup/restore from/to Dropbox• PRO: Currency management with exchange rates• PRO: Google Cloud Print support• PRO: Trip management• PRO: ...
How to enable PRO mode• Buy https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aguirre.android.mycarpro• Activate ads. After 7 days you can remove ads if you don't want anymore PRO mode.
Support/user guidesYou can find documentation with many tips here: http://www.davagdroid.com/mycars/how-to
If you face a crash, we recommend using Android crash report and contacting support
Social networks• https://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Cars/198039030229278• https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/117688382581159052629/• https://twitter.com/davagdroid
Permissions• Location: used for trip tracking of start/end location. Can be disabled in settings• Internet access: used to store backups to Dropbox, to load exchange rates• Access SDCard: used to store local auto-backups